Sunday, 28 August 2016

Planning PD linked with my DA

The great thing about teaching as inquiry is the ability to pause and think at what you are doing or planning on doing and then change things when you realise what you had planned was a step ahead of what people needed.

I realised through conversations with colleagues that while they needed the PD around FM's - handy hints and trouble shooting what they really wanted was some 101 PD around understanding audiograms, hearing aid and ling refresher info. While for some staff the ling refresher will be old hat it will also serve as a reminder to check their practice to make sure they have not inadvertently got into bad habits such as not checking hearing aids individually or not doing the ling checks regularly and checking that the hearing aids are working correctly before doing the ling checks.
I will be interested to get people's feedback on the usefulness of the PD and then build on this with the PD I will do around the types of FM etc.

What the change in PD has meant for me is that I have taken the information that I had been reading in relation to refreshing my own understanding and linking it to the Assist work I do and putting this information down on paper for colleagues to be able to refer back to.
I have also had to look at what information to staff who have varied amounts of knowledge.  I will be asking people to fill in a feedback form to help me see if I had aimed the information level appropriately and if it was useful information,

The following information is what all staff will get a copy off as did the interpreter prior to the meeting where I was facilitating the PD  around Ling sounds, hearing aid checking, understanding audiograms.

September 1st 2016 Following on from the PD on Tuesday my thoughts.... What went well - having notes for people to be able to follow on with what I was talking about and having their audiograms that they could refer to make connections. There was a good balance of written and visual information although I realised afterwards that I should have had a visual for the key of the audiogram that we could have discussed further as it was knowledge that I had and assumed that others would refer to when looking at the audiogram. Discussions indicated that people were not familiar with this and often missed looking at it. I also realised that I had planned too much to be covered which meant that some of the discussion was a little rushed and some of the information such as the Ling handout has not been discussed. I have emailed out a google forms feedback questionnaire to the staff who were at the meeting to get feedback on what was covered and also if information around the Ling sounds and testing is wanted. For future PD I need to look at the content I am covering and how much to give as a handout and how much to talk about if I have a limited amount of time.

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